Tag Archives: gaming

Takeover talks for Tomb Raider publishers

16 Jan

Takeover talks for English game publisher Eidos are in their early stages, BBC reveals.

Although the phblishers did not wish to disclose the name of the company involved in the talks, the news was enough to send the company’s shares flying up 23%.

Bailout becomes gaming phenomenon

13 Jan

Bailout, originally meant to save banks from collapse, is now a free online game.

Test your skills and see if you can handle the situation better than Henry Paulson, current Treasury Secretary in the United States.

The Huffington Post says:

The game provides an amusing, multimedia retrospective of the measures that the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have taken in response to the economic crisis.

The game was developed by Minnesota based company Blue Earth LLC, bailoutsleuth.com reports.

Even Lara Croft’s feeling the crunch

11 Jan

Game publisher Eidos announced that 2008 sales for its game Tomb Raider: Underworld, featuring computer character Lara Croft, were below expectations, especially in the United States.

Eidos in fact expected its sales to be around STG 200 million for 2008 but is now revising the figure by STG 20 million downwards.

The game publisher now hopes Batman will manage to fight the recession away in 2009. Will he manage?

Video: Tomb Raider: Underworld trailer