Tag Archives: gaza appeal

Journalists revolt against costly impartiality

26 Jan


Protesters gathered in front of the BBC Building in London, photo from The Guardian

Protesters gathered in front of the BBC Building in London, photo from The Guardian



Staff at the BBC is protesting against the corporation’s decision not to show an appeal by a group of organisation for humanitarian aid to be sent to Gaza, MediaGuardian.co.uk reports.

The BBC is facing a growing revolt from its own journalists over its decision not to broadcast the Gaza humanitarian aid appeal, with sources reporting “widespread disgust” within its newsrooms, writes Leigh Holmwood.

In a statement released last night and quoted by The Guardian, the BBC said that the appeal meant to be aired as from today does not satisfy the requirements of impartiality at the corporation as it fails to provide for aid to be distributed among both sides of the conflict. “Whilst our records show that DEC stated in principle the aid could be applied to a wider area, they clearly indicated that the situation with Israel was unlikely to need the help of the appeal and in practice the request was solely for Gaza.”, said the statement.

This move has sparked protests in the UK.

DEC is an umbrella organisation grouping some 13 UK charities. ‘At times of overseas emergency, the DEC brings together a unique alliance of the UK’s aid, corporate, public and broadcasting sectors to rally the nation’s compassion, and ensure that funds raised go to DEC agencies best placed to deliver effective and timely relief to people most in need’, states its web site. The organisation had raised funds for humanitarian aid in the Congo by means of clips as this: